All people and teams are unique combinations of people, experience and history. With over 20 years of experience in providing counselling and result-based programs for individuals and teams, Dalugo is able to design and implement a fully customised program and/or workshop for your group.
We work to find out where you are today, where you want to be, and how you like to learn and develop. We then create a tailored approach that aligns with your unique context.
We provide:
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Workplace Wellbeing
- Strong-Minded
- Get Ahead
- Resilience
Other Services
Dalugo provides coaching and programs that enhance wellbeing and high-performance in individual, team and organisational settings. We work with people who dare to thrive. Our methods are evidence-based, measured, scientific and delivered with the highest professional standards of care. We strive to understand your specific needs, because we know that all people and teams are unique.